Saturday, December 15, 2007

I came across a very informative video "Are You Overweight?"
Have a look

Then post your comments here and let me know what you think.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

5 Tips To Keep You Looking Slim & Sexy This Christmas.

5 Tips To Keep You Looking Slim & Sexy This Christmas.

  1. Take a walk. Stay active this holiday season and the extra pounds won't attach themselves to your hips. A daily brisk 30 minute walk will keep you slim, relieve tension and keep your spirits up.
  2. Cook healthier. Use low-fat substitutes for commonly used high-fat foods. Be sparing with oil. Bake rather than fry. Take the skin off the turkey before eating it. These are just some of the ways you can cut calories without sacrificing taste.
  3. Learn to cope with cravings so that they don't get out of control.
  4. Control your portion sizes. Eat and enjoy everything in moderation. Eat one or two cookies not a dozen and you'll get the taste without destroying your waistline.
  5. Abandon all or nothing thinking. A few slip-up's are inevitable. In fact at this time of the year, with the abundance of tempting treats surrounding you it's to be expected. So you ate a few more cookies than you should have, or you had a helping of that sinfully delicious dessert. That doesn't mean that you're a failure. Take it in stride and move on. Add another 10 minutes to your work-out to burn off some off the extra calories and move on. Don't give up.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Quick and easy Chicken & Vegetable Dish.

As a busy mom I'm always looking for meals that are quick & easy to prepare, but healthy, low in calories and yummy enough that my husband and kids will eat it as well.

This dish fits the bill on all counts. Try it out and let me know what you think.

Healthy Recipe

Vegetable Chicken

Makes: 8 servings


  • 3/4 cup carrots, sliced
  • 3/4 cup turnips, sliced
  • 2-1/4 pounds potatoes, sliced
  • 3 lemons, sliced
  • 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 2 envelopes herb and garlic dry soup mix
  • 1/2 cup water


  • Combine first 4 ingredients in a baking pan and top with chicken.
  • In a bowl, combine soup mix and water and pour over chicken and vegetables.
  • Bake uncovered at 375 degrees F for 50 minutes.

Nutritional Information:

  • Serving size: 1 chicken breast with mixture
  • Calories: 350
  • Fat: 4 g
  • Cholesterol: 70 mg
  • Protein: 30 g
  • Carbohydrates: 50 g
  • Fiber: 6 g
  • Sodium: 850 mg

Are Diet/Protein Bars a healthy snack?

The market is flooded with protein & diet bars that all claim to be good for your health. But are they really?

Well, that depends on what the ingrediants are. If the first few ingrediants listed is any form of sugar, give that particular diet bar a miss. Why? Because foods high in sugar trigger the release of the hormone insulan, and insulan encourages the body to store fat. It also makes you feel hungry a short while later and increases your craving for more refined carbs and sweets. And the more refined carbs and sugar you eat the more you crave it and the bigger you get.

Insulin also stops stored fat from being burned, definately not a situation that you would want.

Become an avid label reader, and avoid all food (not only protein bars) that have refined carbs and sugar as the main ingrediants.

If you'd like to know more about a new way of eating that is healthy, will allow the pounds to melt off and allows enough food so that you never have to go hungry you might want to check out The Quickstart Energy Program By Victoria Johnson.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The 20 worst foods in America

If you want to loose weight then these 20 foods put together by Men's Health should be on your don't list.
The top 20 list has the worst fast food chicken meal ( awhopping 1,779 calories), the worst drink (it's a smoothie!!!), worst supermarket meal, worst pizza and more.

This Top 20 List is a must -read

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fast Food doesn't have to be Fat Food.

I love the convenience and ease of fast-food. (Not to mention the taste) Don't you? It's the perfect option for a busy day when you just don' t have the time to cook. But fast food can be healthy, too.

Who would have thought that?

Read this article by one of my favorite fitness celebrities, Victoria Johnson, as she explains how to eat fast-food and still stay in shape.

"In order to get in great shape, you've got to avoid fast foods at all costs. The drive-thru at the golden arches, Dave Thomas’ joint, BK’s, and virtually every other fast-food chain is off limits. Right? Well, not exactly. Believe it or not, grabbing a fast-food meal can actually help you get in better shape. I know, I know… this sounds preposterous, but please hear me out

Over the past decade, I've helped literally thousands of people lose fat, gain muscle, and build stronger, healthier bodies. One of the reasons I've had such great success with my "clients" is because I recognized, long ago, that the nutrition programs I outlined for them had to be "user friendly." You see, I know most people lead extremely hectic lives and don't always have time to shop for, much less prepare, multiple, healthy, nutritious meals day in and day out.

And, that can become a big problem because the nutrition programs I recommend—the ones I have found work best for people who want to transform their physiques—include frequent feedings (up to six times a day). And each meal must contain a serving of protein and carbohydrates, while being low in fat.

One of the worst things you can do if you're trying to build muscle and lose fat is skip meals. Not only does this impair your body's ability to recover from exercise and cut into your energy, but it can also lead to overeating or "binging" at night (a problem which plagues many dieters).

Basically, to get in great shape, you gotta eat, and in this article, I'll share with you some vitally important information about how to use fast foods to improve your level of fitness and physique development. But first, I must point out there's a difference between "junk foods" and "fast foods." My definition of junk foods are things like cheeseburgers, French fries, doughnuts, cheesecake, anything deep fried—things that provide your body with little or no quality nutrition and excess amounts of saturated fats, calories, and sodium.

Now, despite popular belief, not all fast food is junk food. At restaurants like McDonald's, Burger King, Arby's, Boston Market, etc., you can get "clean foods" like grilled chicken, turkey, vegetables, and salads, which are good for you!

Basically, using fast food for fitness is simply a matter of making the right decisions, and to do that, you need the proper knowledge, which I'm going to share with you in this article.

However, before we get started, I need to warn you that when you pull up to the drive-thru at some of these fast-food joints, you might have a moment of "weakness" and decide to just "go for it." You might think you can get away with eating some French fries, a burger, or something that's not on the "approved" list. If you really, really want to do that, go ahead, but think about it first. Remember this—nothing tastes as good as being in great shape feels!

Think of how proud you're going to be of your new, lean, and healthy body. Think how proud those around you (family and friends) are going to be of you when you reach your goal of building your best body ever. Think about how long you've wanted to be perfectly fit! It can happen! You've just got to give it a chance; you've got to stick with it. I promise it's not that hard. If you think for a moment, I'll bet your willpower will be restored!

Here's What To Do At The Drive-Thru

McDonald's: Grilled Chicken Deluxe, Hold the Special Sauce

Now, let me tell you about all the things you can have at your favorite fast-food restaurant. Let's start off with the big daddy of 'em all—McDonald's.

When you walk into McDonald's or pull up to the drive-thru, here's what you should do—order a Grilled Chicken Deluxe without the high-fat sauce they typically put on it. The Grilled Chicken Deluxe is even better with ketchup (which is low in fat and calories) and extra lettuce and tomatoes!

If you don't want ketchup, you can have mustard (or both), or you might even try putting one of their "lite" salad dressings on this sandwich—fat-free Italian dressing with lettuce and tomato on a Grilled Chicken Deluxe is pretty darn good—give it a try!

I also have a little trick for those (like me) who like to feel "full" after a meal—drink 12 oz of water before you even take your first bite out of your sandwich, and make sure you drink another 12 oz of water (or iced tea) with your sandwich.

Another tip: even though this is "fast food," don't eat it fast! Set your food down between each bite, and thoroughly chew what you're eating. This is a good habit to get into no matter what you're eating.

That Grilled Chicken Deluxe equals one "meal"—it contains a serving of protein and carbohydrates.

If you don't want a chicken sandwich, have a Grilled Chicken Salad Deluxe with lite vinaigrette dressing.

Never have regular salad dressing—it's way too high in fat and calories. The lite or fat-free dressings available today taste just as good as the regular kind but have far fewer calories. You might also get in the habit of carrying some of your favorite fat-free dressing with you.

These meals I'm telling you about are okay for lunch or dinner but not for breakfast. I don't think any fast-food meals are "ideal" for breakfast—there's nothing I recommend more highly first thing in the morning than a high-quality MRP (meal-replacement powder) like Myoplex.

Taco Bell: The Chicken Burrito, but Have Just One

An "approved" meal at this fast-food hot spot is the grilled chicken burrito. It's low in calories, low in fat, and contains a serving of protein and carbohydrates.

When you order your grilled chicken burrito, be sure to ask for extra lettuce and tomatoes, and have all the salsa you want. But ask them to hold the cheese and sour cream!

A lot of people who eat at Taco Bell get in the habit of ordering at least two or three items. That's not such a good idea. If you do this, you're just taking in too many calories at one time.

If you don't want a chicken burrito, you can have a grilled chicken soft taco.

And remember, you can have mild or hot taco sauce, salsa, or pico de gallo (it's that tasty tomato-relish-like stuff). You can have all you want and lots of lettuce and tomato.

Burger King: BK Broiler Chicken, Just Say No to Mayo

Now, let's say you're headed for Burger King. Here's what you tell those smiling, funny-little-hat-wearin' folks behind the counter—"I'd like a BK Broiler chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, pickles, ketchup, and mustard. No mayo." That's it—that's not complicated, is it?

Make sure they don't put any mayonnaise or their "special sauce" (which is high in fat) on your chicken sandwich.

Burger King also has a broiled chicken salad and offers a lite Italian dressing that's not too bad.

Hardee's: It's Hardy Chicken Again; the Only Way Is Fillet

If you find yourself at Hardee's, you can have the chicken fillet or the grilled chicken salad.

Boston Market: Turkey or Chicken, Veggies on the Side

Have a Chicken Carver Sandwich with extra lettuce and tomato (no mayo). If you're tired of sandwiches, there are all kinds of other things you can have at Boston Market that I consider a good "meal." You could have a turkey breast or a chicken breast by itself and then have any one of the following: a serving of steamed vegetables, garlic and dill new potatoes, whole-kernel corn, rice pilaf, fruit salad, or zucchini marinara.

Boston Market also has a great turkey sandwich—just remember to follow the rules: extra lettuce and tomato, no mayo, and no cheese.

Arby's: Roast Chicken or Turkey, Two Decent Deluxes

Now let's take a look at Arby's—I have two favorites here: the Roast Chicken Deluxe Sandwich (without mayo) with ketchup and mustard and the Roast Turkey Deluxe Sandwich (without mayo). Both of these sandwiches provide a serving of protein and carbohydrates. They will fill you up and keep you going until your next meal.

Arby's also offers roasted chicken salad with lite buttermilk or lite ranch dressing.

Wendy's: Dave's Grilled Chicken, or Try the Chicken Salad

Okay—let's talk about Wendy's. Guess what—they have a grilled chicken sandwich too! You've probably pretty much got the idea by now that a grilled, skinless chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato at any fast-food restaurant is okay—if so, you're right!

If you get stuck at a fast-food restaurant where you can only get a chicken sandwich that's deep-fat fried or has the skin on it, just say no. Remember, we're looking for a plain, grilled chicken breast with no skin and one that has not been deep-fat fried.

Wendy's also has a good grilled chicken salad, and they offer fat-free ranch or Italian dressing—just tell them to hold the cheese and breadsticks—the salad is just as good without those things.

Carl's Jr: Chicken BBQ Sandwich or Chicken Salad Will Do

They offer the old stand-by—a BBQ Chicken Sandwich, and they also have a chicken salad. Either one is fine; you know the rules.

Jack in the Box: Go for the Chicken Fajita Pita

At Jack in the Box, try the Chicken Fajita Pita. They also have... you guessed it... a grilled chicken sandwich.

You can also get something called the Chicken Teriyaki Bowl, but I need to warn you, this should be split into two "meals." If you want to order the Chicken Teriyaki Bowl, eat half of it for one meal and then the other half later in the day.

Long John Silver's: Baked Fish and a Potato With Salsa

Another fast-food chain you might find yourself at is Long John Silver's. This place deep-fat fries everything—even their menus! By and large, this place serves up more saturated fat than any fast-food restaurant I know of, but you can still get a "Bill Phillips approved meal" at this fast-fat haven.

Just ask for the FlavorBaked Fish or the FlavorBaked Chicken, a plain baked potato and/or green beans. It's low in fat and high in protein and complex carbohydrates.

Here's a tip that will help you make a plain baked potato come alive—you know how most people smother "bakers" with butter and sour cream? Well, you shouldn't do that. Try this—put salsa or ketchup on your baked potato—it can really dazzle your taste buds—try it! Salsa and ketchup are "A-OK"; butter and regular sour cream are not!

Subway: Get the Roast Turkey, Chuck the Oil

Subway offers a nice "break" from the other fast-food chains. My favorite "takeout" is the six-inch turkey breast sub with pickles, jalapeƱo peppers, lettuce, and tomato.

Ask them to hold the mayo and oil and top this sandwich off with vinegar and a little salt and pepper.

KFC: Tender Roast White Meat Without the Skin

Rounding off our list of fast-food restaurants is KFC. You've got to be careful here—there's way too much deep-fat frying going on at this place too.

Try the Tender Roast white-meat chicken pieces without skin and a small serving of mashed potatoes and gravy. You've got to remember to order chicken without the skin—that's where most of the fat is.

What I Recommend and Where

  • Arby's Roast Chicken Deluxe Sandwich (from the Lite menu) Roast Turkey Deluxe Sandwich (from the Lite menu) Roast Chicken Salad
  • Burger King BK Broiler Chicken Sandwich Broiled Chicken Salad
  • Carl's Jr. BBQ Chicken Sandwich Chicken Salad
  • Boston Market Turkey Carver Sandwich Chicken Carver Sandwich Turkey Breast combined with 1 small side dish: Steamed Vegetables Garlic and Dill New Potatoes Whole-Kernel Corn Rice Pilaf Fruit Salad Zucchini Marinara
  • Chicken Breast combined with 1 small side dish: Steamed Vegetables Garlic and Dill New Potatoes Whole-Kernel Corn Rice Pilaf Fruit Salad Zucchini Marinara
  • Hardee's Chicken Fillet Grilled Chicken Salad
  • Jack in the Box Chicken Fajita Pita Grilled Chicken Fillet Sandwich Chicken Teriyaki Bowl (this is two meals)
  • KFC Tender Roast Chicken (white meat, without skin, with a small serving of mashed potatoes)
  • Long John Silver's FlavorBaked Fish combined with 1 small side dish: Baked Potato (plain) Green Beans
  • FlavorBaked Chicken combined with 1 small side dish: Baked Potato (plain) Green Beans
  • McDonald's Grilled Chicken Deluxe Grilled Chicken Salad Deluxe
  • Subway Six-Inch Turkey Breast Sub
  • Taco Bell Grilled Chicken Burrito Grilled Chicken Soft Taco
  • Wendy's Grilled Chicken Sandwich Grilled Chicken Salad

Conclusion: Fast Food Can Fit into Your Program

Let's go over our rules one more time before you give in to temptation at a fast-food restaurant and order something you know you shouldn't—like a Big Mac, a Whopper, an order of fries, an apple pie, etc.—think good and hard about whether it's worth it or not. I'll tell you right now that by the time you finish eating those fries or that Big Mac, you're going to realize it was a mistake!

Remember this—it's just food—you control it; it doesn't control you! I can help you build a lean, healthy body, but you've got to do your part. I'm not telling you that you can't eat fast food. That's not realistic. However, don't make the mistake of thinking that junk foods are okay; they're not.

If you remember only one thing from reading this article, it should be this: almost all fast-food joints offer a grilled chicken sandwich. Load that sucker up with lettuce and tomato, ketchup, and mustard or try salsa or a low-fat salad dressing on your chicken sandwich; you might be surprised how good it is!

Remember, if you don't think a chicken sandwich is going to fill you up, or you know from experience it didn't fill you up last time, try drinking 12 oz of water before you even start to eat your meal, and then drink another 12 oz of water or iced tea with your food. Eat slowly, and remember not to get too filled up because you have to eat again in another few hours!

Remember, pulling into a fast-food restaurant is not a sin—making the wrong decision at a fast-food restaurant is!

If you'd like to know more about The Quick Start Energy Program that will have you looking and feeling lean, strong, healthy and full of energy - and that has been designed with the needs of a busy mom in mind, please go to The Quick Start Program

Allow me to Introduce Myself.

I am a 32 year-old work at home mom with 4 kids (Ages, 12, 9, 6 & 2) - And my husband & I are planning to foster an 8 year old orphan starting next year. I run several internet based businesses from home and this year I have just written my Real Estate Exam. In 2008 I hope to get actively involved in the property market.

In addition to these "jobs" I have the usual tasks assigned to all mothers - cooking, household tasks, spending quality time with family and friends and so on.

For the first 30 years of my life, I've had no problems with my weight. I've been able to eat what I wanted, when I wanted and never gain an ounce of weight. My figure and wash-board tummy were the envy of all my friends. And I never exercised, ever!

But alas, that happy state of affairs didn't last forever. When I hit my thirties, I began to pile on the weight. I put on over 25lb in under 2 years. It seemed as if the wonderful metabolism that I had been blessed with had ground to a halt.

Wanting to look sexy again (along with some nasty comments from others) prompted me to take things into my own hands. For the first time in my life I started to watch what I ate and I started exercising regularly.

I found that much of what I had learned about healthy eating and exercising had been wrong. And so my self-education into the world of healthy eating and living began. But to my dismay many of the 'guru's' and experts promoted unrealistic programs - eating mainly raw foods, eliminating coffee (what!) and long and torturous cardio routines.

But I kept searching for a quicker, easier way that would fit into my busy lifestyle. I can't profess to have found the answer in one amazing diet and exercise program - more like tidbits here and there. And my needs have been constantly changing too.

So look at this blog like a buffet, try out what appeals to you and leave the rest. Enjoy!

Hi and Welcome.

Hi and welcome to easy weight-loss strategies for busy moms.
As a mom, I don't have the time to spend hours preparing complicated meals or doing exercises, but I still want to look and feel at my best with loads of energy to carry me through the day.

Do you feel the same way? Do you want your diet and exercise routine to fit into your schedule and lifestyle, instead of the other way around, then you've come to the right place.

Through this blog I hope to share with you quick, easy and healthy recipes, weight-loss tips that peel of the pounds, and more. Everything that I will share with you on this blog has been designed with a two important criteria in mind: 1 - It must be quick and easy
2 - It must be healthy - no crash or fad diets here.

I also want to mix things up here. I want to add some video's , audio, slide-shows etc. to make things even more interesting and to provide you with valuable and actionable content.

So let's get started.