Thursday, December 13, 2007

5 Tips To Keep You Looking Slim & Sexy This Christmas.

5 Tips To Keep You Looking Slim & Sexy This Christmas.

  1. Take a walk. Stay active this holiday season and the extra pounds won't attach themselves to your hips. A daily brisk 30 minute walk will keep you slim, relieve tension and keep your spirits up.
  2. Cook healthier. Use low-fat substitutes for commonly used high-fat foods. Be sparing with oil. Bake rather than fry. Take the skin off the turkey before eating it. These are just some of the ways you can cut calories without sacrificing taste.
  3. Learn to cope with cravings so that they don't get out of control.
  4. Control your portion sizes. Eat and enjoy everything in moderation. Eat one or two cookies not a dozen and you'll get the taste without destroying your waistline.
  5. Abandon all or nothing thinking. A few slip-up's are inevitable. In fact at this time of the year, with the abundance of tempting treats surrounding you it's to be expected. So you ate a few more cookies than you should have, or you had a helping of that sinfully delicious dessert. That doesn't mean that you're a failure. Take it in stride and move on. Add another 10 minutes to your work-out to burn off some off the extra calories and move on. Don't give up.

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