Saturday, December 1, 2007

Are Diet/Protein Bars a healthy snack?

The market is flooded with protein & diet bars that all claim to be good for your health. But are they really?

Well, that depends on what the ingrediants are. If the first few ingrediants listed is any form of sugar, give that particular diet bar a miss. Why? Because foods high in sugar trigger the release of the hormone insulan, and insulan encourages the body to store fat. It also makes you feel hungry a short while later and increases your craving for more refined carbs and sweets. And the more refined carbs and sugar you eat the more you crave it and the bigger you get.

Insulin also stops stored fat from being burned, definately not a situation that you would want.

Become an avid label reader, and avoid all food (not only protein bars) that have refined carbs and sugar as the main ingrediants.

If you'd like to know more about a new way of eating that is healthy, will allow the pounds to melt off and allows enough food so that you never have to go hungry you might want to check out The Quickstart Energy Program By Victoria Johnson.

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